Overview of the Instrumental Program:
Education Queensland provides a program of Instrumental Music tuition in Primary and Secondary Schools in many areas of the State. Our school is now recruiting new students for 2021.

How The Program Works:
* Tuition is provided in brass, woodwind and percussion instruments.
* Instruction takes place on a group basis with 3-8 students learning together.
* Lessons are ½ hour per week during school-time.
* Ensemble experience is provided through the formation of a concert Band.
* Ensembles rehearse once a week before or during school time and will perform at school events when they are ready
* Students who learn an instrument will gain many benefits including: - time management, team-work and problem- solving skills, learn a universal language and learn an art-form that they can continue to enjoy for life.
*Please note that students are expected to continue with the same instrument until they graduate primary school.
Positions Available
Woodwind…. Flute

Alto Saxophone
Brass……….. Trumpet
Percussion…. Tuned and Un-tuned - total of 4 positions
Instrument Selection
The student's choice of instrument is taken into consideration, however the instrumental music teacher will have the final decision of which instrument the student will be offered. This is due mainly to the limited number of each instrument available for hire.
There are several factors that are considered when selecting an instrument for a student, including:
* Number of available school owned instruments
* Ensuring a good balance of instruments in the concert band (for example we cannot have a band with 12 flute players but only 1 Clarinet)
* The student's results from the music aptitude test
Student Commitment
Every student must agree to:
i. Practice regularly (15-30) minutes 4 times per week.
ii. Become a member of the school concert band.
iii. Take part in all performances in school or public.
iv. Attend lessons, rehearsals and other classes regularly as required.
v. Remain in the program for grades 4-6 unless special circumstances prevail.
Parent Commitment
Parents agree to:
i. Pay the annual Music Levy and Instrument Hire Fee (if applicable)
ii. Provide necessary equipment to maintain instrument; tutor books for lessons.
iii. Ensure students attend all rehearsals and performances, unless sickness or exceptional circumstances prevail.
iv. Provide a suitable practice area and time for practice.
v. Provide encouragement.
Instruments & Costs
* All students participating in the Instrumental Music program must pay a $20 levy fee.
* Students who are selected to play Percussion will need to purchase their own drum sticks and practice pad upfront. Percussion students are only required to pay one fee each year as per the table below.
* If students are prepared to provide their own instrument to participate in the program, they will only be required to pay the Levy fee of $20.
* There are ongoing costs associated with playing an instrument. Consumables such as reeds, oils and cleaning cloths are just a few of these costs. You can expect to be making regular trips to your local musical instrument store to replace your student's consumables throughout the year.
* Please note that after one year of lessons students are asked to provide their own instrument unless they have been selected to learn Trombone, Euphonium or Percussion.

Things to Consider Before Joining
* Learning an instrument requires a lot of time, effort, patience and perseverance - Students are asked to practice an average of 3 - 4 times per week after school for 10 – 15 minutes each time.
* Students will miss half an hour of class each week for their lesson – students must be willing to catch up on any work missed while they are attending their instrumental music lesson.
* Students are required to join the Concert Band after 1 semester of lessons – rehearsals are currently held at 8am every Wednesday morning. Attending Concert Band rehearsals each week is compulsory.