Bundamba State School's vision is the creation of a community of empowered learners through an environment of mutual respect and trust. Fundamental to the vision is the fostering of strong partnerships with parents and the community in general. Our goal is to inspire students to want to learn and accomplish academic, social, physical and cultural goals to take their place in society as contributing citizens. Our abiding school expectations are to be safe, to be respectful and to be learners.
Our teams strive for an ethos built on high expectations and a commitment to excellence. There is an expectation that every student will learn and achieve to the best of their ability. Our learning environments are dynamic, student centred and incorporate a pedagogy designed to ensure strong foundation skills in literacy and numeracy whilst at the same time, equipping students with the skills they require in the 21st Century.
Our teaching teams set individualised targets for all students to cater for their unique learning styles. Classrooms are newly refurbished and incorporate modern technologies designed to enhance students' learning experiences.
We look forward to forging a long and productive partnership between our school and our community with the central motivation being to ensure better outcomes for our students.
Wendy Deverell